Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Here are the supplies for rabbits.
  1. Hutch or cage
  2. Grooming supplies
  3. Chewing toy
  4. toys
  5. nail clipper
  6. carrier


Their are many breeds of the rabbit and you can choose any kind you would like. You can get one in a pet store or a breeder or a shelter. Here are a few breeds.
  1. American fuzzy lop
  2. Dwarf rabbit
  3. Angora
  4. American rabbit
  5. Californian
  6. Belgian Hare
  7. Checkered Giant
  8. Dutch
  9. English Lop
  10. Rhinelander
  11. Giant Angora
  12. Himalayan Rabbit
Jersey Wooly Rabbit
Himalayan Rabbit
Cinnamon Rabbit
Dutch Rabbit
English Angora Rabbit
Dwarf Hotot Rabbit
English Spot Rabbit
English Lop Rabbit


Bunnies are loving creatures and easy to take care of. Baby bunnies are more mischievous than adult rabbits. You can still get a adult rabbit and still spend time with it for years. A bunnies lifespan is about 8-15 years when they are neutered. So read this blog to learn more about the cute creatures!